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COVID19 Policy

By participating in our events you are accepting all risks, including risk of contracting COVID.

Prior signing up and attending an event, please review the questions below: 

  • Do you have any symptoms of fever, cold, flu or other illness (fever, cough, breathing difficulty, sore throat, runny nose, fatigue, etc.)?
  • Have you had been exposed to anyone exhibiting symptoms?
  • Have you been exposed to anyone awaiting a test result?
  • Have you tested positive for COVID-19, or been exposed to anyone suspected of having COVID-19, or confirmed positive for COVID-19?

Event leaders will ask the above questions prior to beginning the event. A “yes” response to any question will result in not being allowed to participate. Please be honest and help to protect each other. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

The following safety practices will be observed at our events:

  • We will follow safe physical distancing practices as a group
  • Masks are optional when participating in an indoor event - you are welcome to wear one!
  • If you choose to carpool you are doing so at your own risk. We are unable to handle carpool coordination at this time due to risks.
  • We ask if you sign up and develop any symptoms before the start of the event that you do not come to the event and, let the event leader know as soon as possible so someone else can join the event

We also ask that you:

  • Wash your hands regularly and bring your own hand sanitizer and other personal hygiene products
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